Sunday, October 19, 2008

Post 4

I read an article in the Star Tribune this week titled “Lucinda finds her ‘Honey’”. The songwriter Lucinda Williams had a career of unhappy, depressing songs, she released and album full of happy music. She has just been engaged, and said that her new fiancé has changed her life. The story reminds me of Siddhartha and Buddhism, in that she has finally found enlightenment in the form of her new companion Tom Overby. However, she still has a few things to learn if she wishes to reach true enlightenment through a Buddhist path. When asked about her new “happy” music she replied, “It’s not like I don’t have bad days anymore”(E1). She seems to understand the first and second Noble Truths, that suffering exists and arises from unsatisfied desire, but she doesn’t seem to see the third and fourth, that there is a release from suffering, and she can attain enlightenment. I believe these to be the more important of the two, because they dictate your view towards life. If life is lived with the attitude that there is suffering, but you can’t do anything about it you will be miserable. Lucinda does know that enlightenment may be found in more than one way, a common belief to Buddhists. She explains one of her songs, ‘Real Love’, was, “actually written before I met Tom”(E13). While Tom may have been her biggest source of enlightenment, she has seen it though others as well. For stumbling upon an article in the newspaper, this had much more to do with Buddhism and Siddhartha than I expected.

Riemenschneider, Chris. "Lucinda finds her 'Honey'." Star Tribune 19 Oct. 2008: E1, E13.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like the hopeful feel of this article. It seems to assure one that there is a way to find happiness and release from sadness. I agree with the connection you make to Siddhartha and Lucinda Williams. The description of how enlightenment can be found in multiple ways also adds to the hopefulness projected by this article.