Thursday, October 2, 2008

Post 2

After Sarah Palin was announced as John McCain's running mate, many Alaskans were proud to see their state represented on a national scale. However, after just a month of campaigning, Alaskans are starting to see her as more of an embarrassment than they had hoped for. Many Alaskans, "Now cringe when she opens her mouth"(1). Although Palin may represent the state, it is not in a fashion that many of the residents appreciate. She made comments that go against what they remember of her actions. A Alaskan native Mark Burnhill commented, "I am very hopeful that she doesn't embarrass us more than she already has"(1). While keeping political beliefs out, it seems that many people are disappointed with Palin and her actions compared to there initial hopes. This initial optimism followed by disappointed can be compared to The Odyssey. Penelope and Telemachus expect Odysseus to return home after they hear the war has ended and are excited for his arrival, but are disappointed that he hasn't returned for many years. This story, however, ended with Odysseus returning, and all disappointment was forgotten. From the article, we can't see if this will be the case with Palin as well.

Volz, Matt. "Alaskans cringe after month of listening to Palin." Associated Press 02 10 2008 1-2. 2 Oct 2008 .

1 comment:

Spenser W said...

I found the article you read very interesting as I thought Alaska would stick by their native. I believe the public is very hard on Sarah Palin and found that this article was an aufully baised one (not that I don't agree). Good job relating this to the Odyssey and keeping within hte theme. Keep up the good work!